Earnings per year, gross
Earnings per year, net
Life expectancy
Life expectancy at birth
Life expectancy at birth, female
Life expectancy at birth, male
Healthy life years at birth
Healthy life years at birth, female
Healthy life years at birth, male
Life expectancy at 50
Life expectancy at 65
Healthy years as percent of life expectancy
Health spending
Health spending per capita in euro
Health spending per capita in euro, PPP
Healthcare spending as percent of GDP
Hospital spending per person
Hospital spending per person, PPP euro
Hospital spending, percent
Hospital spending, percent of GDP
Preventive care spending per person
Preventive care spending per person, PPP euro
Preventive care spending, percent
Preventive care spending, percent of GDP
Long-term care spending per person
Long-term care spending per person, PPP euro
Long-term care spending, percent
Long-term care spending, percent of GDP
Healthcare spending, percent government
Healthcare spending, percent private insurance
Healthcare spending, percent out of pocket
Medical personnel
Medical staff in hospitals
Country residents per medical staff member
Hospital staff per 100,000 residents
Doctors in hospitals
Doctors per 100,000 country residents
Country residents per doctor
Nurses and midwives
Country residents per nurse or midwife
Nurses and midwives per 100,000 country residents
Gynecologists and obstetricians per 100,000 people
Cardiologists per 100,000 people
Dermatologists per 100,000 people
Endocrinologists per 100,000 people
Gastroenterologists per 100,000 people
Hematologists per 100,000 people
Immunologists per 100,000 people
Internal medicine doctors per 100,000 people
Microbiology specialists per 100,000 people
Neurologists per 100,000 people
Oncologists per 100,000 people
Respiratory medicine doctors per 100,000 people
Pediatric doctors per 100,000 people
Psychiatrists per 100,000 people
Surgeons per 100,000 people
General practitioners per 100,000 people